Our research covers a wide range of topics in exciting areas around marine spatial data science and new technologies.

Geospatial modelling
of marine life

We combine movement ecology and quantitative methods such as species distribution models to analyse the spatial and temporal patterns of marine species in relation to the marine environment and predict their habitat suitability in a changing climate.

# AnimalMovement
# Oceanography

Human footprint on the ocean

We monitor and analyse the footprint of multiple human activities on marine ecosystems using electronic monitoring systems, earth observations and big data technologies. We focus on mapping ship-based activities and their pressures to advance our understanding of human-wildlife interactions.

# Fisheries
# Pollution
# MarineTraffic
# Bycatch

Marine Ecosystem Observing Systems

We leverage recent advances in marine data science (e.g. machine learning, artificial intelligence), alongside new molecular techniques (eDNA) and innovative marine instruments (unmanned vehicles, bio-logging, bioacoustics) to simultaneously monitor marine biodiversity, ship-based activities, and the marine environment.

# Robotics
# Bio-logging
# AI
# eDNA

Marine conservation and management

We strive to develop innovative solutions for sustainable resource management, marine spatial planning, and the mitigation of human impacts on marine environments. By fostering collaboration and leveraging data-driven insights, our work seeks to drive positive change, ensuring the health and resilience of marine ecosystems for current and future generations.

# Conservation
# Management
# Policy




Unitat de Zoologia Marina
Parc Científic de la Universitat de València
Calle Catedrático José Beltrán 2,
46980 Paterna (València), Spain