Greta Jankauskaite

PhD Student

She graduated in Ecology and Conservation from the University of Lancaster (United Kingdom) and holds a master’s degree in Biodiversity from the University of Valencia. She held a position as a research technician at the Marine Zoology Unit (UV) and has experience in geographic information systems (GIS), programming, and spatial ecology.

Her main research interests focus on the use of new technologies – such as machine learning and passive acoustic monitoring – as innovative methods to monitor marine megafauna and its interactions with human pressures such as marine traffic . In 2022, she obtained a predoctoral grant from the Generalitat Valenciana and is currently carrying out her thesis on human impacts on cetaceans in the Western Mediterranean.





Unitat de Zoologia Marina
Parc Científic de la Universitat de València
Calle Catedrático José Beltrán 2,
46980 Paterna (València), Spain